Dialysis Services at Fogo Island Health Centre
What dialysis services are available at Fogo Island Health Centre (FIHC)?
In 2015, Central Health and the Government of Newfoundland introduced to Fogo
Island the new Transitional Assisted Self-Care model for renal dialysis. This program
supports patients who are medically suited to do self-care dialysis at home.
Can I receive dialysis service at FIHC?
Yes. Dialysis is available at the FIHC via a home based self-care model. Training is
provided to you by the dialysis team.
As stated earlier, the Transitional Assisted Self-Care Model of dialysis requires the
patient to fully participate and engage in a Self-Care Model with the goal to transition
to home.
Which types of home dialysis are available for me?
There are two types of self-care dialysis available:
Hemodialysis: A medical procedure to remove fluid and waste products from the blood and to correct electrolyte imbalances. This is accomplished using a machine and a dialyzer, also referred to as an "artificial kidney”. The machines that we have in the Transitional Self-Care Model achieve this outcome.
Peritoneal Dialysis: This type of dialysis, with the aid of a solution uses the lining of your abdomen, or belly, to filter your blood. This is accomplished through a tube that is surgically inserted into a patient’s abdomen prior to starting dialysis.
It is important to note that both types of dialysis are based on the same self-care model.
How do I know which type of dialysis is best for me?
The type of dialysis you choose will be decided in consultation with your health care provider.
What do I need in order to perform self-care dialysis at home?
After you have spent time receiving dialysis training at FIHC, and are confident to transition to home, you will be provided with the equipment and supplies, as well as the knowledge and support of the dialysis nurse, to perform the dialysis at home.
During training, the dialysis team will ensure you can:
complete the pre-dialysis assessment
set up and connect to the machine
program and monitor your own treatment
troubleshoot any issues that may arise
This may appear overwhelming, but don’t worry. You will receive the appropriate training based on your needs and you will receive ongoing support from the Home Based Therapy Team.
How often will I have to perform self-care dialysis and how long will each treatment last?
There are many options available. The best one for you will be decided on in consultation with your health care provider.
Other things you should know:
A home-based self-care model is not for everyone. There are many factors that contribute to whether or not a patient is able to commit to self-care
Preliminary discussions about the best choice for you can be done with your dialysis team
The renal dialysis nurse on site works very closely with a regional dialysis team on a regular basis, you are not alone
If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, working with your health care provider to keep your blood sugar and blood pressure under control is the best way to prevent kidney disease, prolonging the need for kidney dialysis
Please keep track of any questions or concerns you would like to ask your health care provider.