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Physician Recruitment - What you Need to Know

Welcome to Medical Services 

The senior administrator responsible for Medical Services within Central Health is the Interim Vice President of Medical Services and Chief of Staff, Dr. David Carroll. His office is staffed by employees at James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre, in Gander, as well as West Block and Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre, in Grand Falls-Windsor. To contact the office of the Vice President of Medical Services please follow this link: Medical Services.

The professional relationship between physicians and Central Health is formally documented within the Medical Staff Bylaws for the Central Health Authority.  The Medical Staff Committee exists as a mechanism for informing physicians about administrative and organizational issues and provides a channel for views of the staff, collective and individual, to reach senior management. The physicians of Central Health are organized into groups based on their clinical disciplines and health services area. Each of these groups has a Chief or Senior Medical Officer who sits on a Medical Advisory Committee. The Chief or Senior Medical Officer is responsible for the effective organization, management and functioning of the medical staff within the assigned program/service, health service area or referral centre. The Regional Medical Advisory Committee has representation from each of the two Referral Centre Medical Advisory Committees and the Rural Medical Advisory Committee. The Medical Advisory Committees provide advice and recommendations on medical staff administration, quality of medical care, and medical human resource planning.

Central Health promotes a workplace that supports the physical and mental well-being, as well as the dignity and self-worth of everyone.  Central Health believes that physician safety and wellness is a shared responsibility and that all levels of staff must work together to promote health and safety. All medical staff are governed by Central Health's Bylaws Respecting Medical Staff. Please follow this link to review Central Health's policy on Respectful Workplace.

The Medical Services department is staffed by clerical support staff, a Regional Director, and a Physician Recruitment Coordinator. This group exists to support and manage physician resources across the entire region and its facilities. The VP, Medical Service and staff receive direction from the CEO and Board of Trustees, with input from the Chiefs of Staff and Medical Advisory Committees across the region.


Chiefs of Staff/Rural Health









Regional Chief(s) - Referral Centres (CNRHC/JPMRHC)


Chief(s) of Staff / Service - Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre (CNRHC)


















Chief(s) of Staff / Service - James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre (JPMRHC)








Chief of Rural Health/Senior Medical Officers (SMO) (Region)





Orientation information and training you need

Please follow the links below to review and complete the information which is needed in order for you to become part of our team here at Central Health.

All of the training modules linked below should be completed as part of your work experience at Central Health. Some are required to be completed before you begin and some can be completed once you arrive to begin work and are categorized accordingly.

Required completion prior to commencement of employment 


Additional training to be completed upon commencement of employment

The training information below can be completed in advance, upon arrival or as a resource subsequent to onsite training if its required.

LANIER (Fusion Expert)

Hand Hygiene Instructions Hand Hygiene Module


Physician resources and policies

Below are policies and resources that all physicians should be familiar with prior to working with Central Health.

Guidelines on Email Use

IPR-0004 Email Policy

Policy 4-b-10 Confidentiality

Policy 4-b-70  Faxing Confidential Information

Policy 4-b-110  Use of Telephone Answering Machine to Communicate Personal Health Information

Policy 4-c-20  Circle of Care

Policy 4-e-40 Disclosure of Personal Health Information to Physicians for Billing Purposes

IPR-0006 Privacy Breach Policy

IPR-0008 Auditing Access to Clinical Information Systems

COM-0510 Privacy Breach Policy

FRM PHI 019 Information Sharing Agreement for Health Care Professionals

FRM PHI 003 Oath/Affirmation of Confidentially

Policy 4-b-120 Secure transfer of Confidential Information via Mail, Courier or in Person

HEALTHe NL is the provincial electronic health record providing authorized health care professionals one point of access to view important patient information. It contains medication profiles, Eastern Health meditech data, including dictated reports, laboratory results, diagnostic imaging as well as provincial immunization data from 2003. As of September 20, 2016 Central Health lab and encounters data are included in the viewer. Please download and complete this registration form when you start work at Central Health: Healthe NL User Registration form

Career opportunities and job postings can be accessed here: 

Practice NL

e-Recruit - look under Salaried/Fee for Service Physicians

Or by telephone:

Physician Recruitment Coordinator - 709.292.8757

Director, Medical Services - 709.571.2490

Additional Resources

NLMA MOU - The Memorandum of Agreement between the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is a negotiated Agreement of levels of compensation, working conditions, employment related benefits and service coverage.

The licensing process for physicians is handled through the College of Physicians and Surgeons of NL (CPSNL). A physician should review the requirements under the Medical Regulations as well as review and understand the Advisory to Applicants prior to applying for licensure. Physicians interested in practicing medicine in Newfoundland and Labrador must apply online through physiciansapply.caThe current contact information for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPSNL) is:


College of Physicians and Surgeons of NL
120 Torbay Road Suite W100
St. John's, NL, A1A 2G8
Phone: (709) 726-8546
Fax: (709) 726-4725


College of Surgeons and Physicians Doctor Search

We want to hear from you

Your feedback regarding your work experience here at Central Health is very important to us. Whenever you complete a locum or work experience here at Central Health please follow this link to complete our EXIT SURVEY. The information collected from this survey will be used as part of continuous improvement for the delivery of medical services programming at Central Health.


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