Aug 13, 2021
Central Health would like to inform the public it will be extending the short-term diversion of service for obstetrical services.
Originally slotted for July 24- August 15, 2021, the extension will now see obstetrical services offered at Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre (CNRHC) in Grand Falls-Windsor until August 31, 2021.
The diversion is due to an inability to secure sufficient physician coverage to sustain safe and reliable services at two sites. Central Health is working diligently to provide a solution to the situation and is pursuing all avenues to resolve the matter. Central Health will provide updates as and when the situation changes.
Despite this diversion, Midwives will continue to be supported within their scope of practice standards, and to allow for Midwifery services to be offered safely at JPMRHC for their clients who are currently availing of these services.
If delivery is imminent, pregnant women in labour should proceed to the nearest emergency centre for assessment.
If you have any questions in this regard, please contact your obstetrical care provider. For questions regarding your health, please call 811. For emergency assistance please 911. Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and assistance in this matter.