Telehealth - providing health-care closer to home
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is similar to a regular face-to-face appointment, but uses videoconferencing to connect you with a healthcare provider in a different location.
There are two types of Telehealth:
Facility-Based Telehealth is a videoconference that takes place in a healthcare setting. You and your healthcare provider can see, hear and talk to each other virtually.
Home-Based Telehealth appointments take place in the comfort of your own home, or another convenient location. It allows you to use your own technology for a virtual visit. You can see, hear, and talk to your health care provider without ever having to leave your home.
Normally, family members are welcome to attend the appointment with you.
How close is the nearest Telehealth video unit to me?
There are telehealth sites located across the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. As of 2018, there are 21 sites in Central NL. There are telehealth sites in health care facilities in the following communities: Springdale, Twillingate, Fogo Island, Change Islands, Mose Ambrose, St. Alban’s, Harbour Breton, Conne River, Botwood, Lewisporte, Grand Falls, Gander, Glovertown, Brookfield, Baie Verte, & Buchans.
How can I access Telehealth?
When booking an appointment or during a follow-up phone call, ask your healthcare provider if Telehealth is an option for you.
For more information about telehealth email the Regional Telehealth Coordinator at
For more information on the Provincial Telehealth Program please visit the Newfoundland and Labrador Virtual Care Program at
Telehealth and Home-based Telehealth Pamphlet
Click here for Provincial Telehealth locations